My “New” Valentine’s Day Tradition

Normally this time of year brings me downer rather I don’t look forward to it. Even at an early age I don’t remember Valentine’s Day being…too eventful for me when everyone would give out cards and candy to their classmates in school. So as I got older and that was no longer a requirement, Valentine’s Day became more about relationships in my eyes, so I didn’t celebrate it. From 4th grade on to my junior year in college I didn’t participate in anything Valentine’s  Day related in school or outside of it. Majority of my friends had girlfriends, so I could hangout with them. It was always this day (and my high school senior prom) that reminded me how lonely I was. However, it wasn’t until last year (how ironic, 14 years) that I decided to do something for this day.

Evangelion.3.0.Theatrical.Booklet.full.1344630  1544959_575578345845334_1455426546_n

I had a friend who I met on November 30, 2012 for movie night at the anime at my college. I decided to invite her to go see Evangelion 3.0 on January 10, 2014 with a friend and I several days before the movie was to be shown. She said she would like to go, but didn’t have any money ,so I said I’d pay for her ticket so she could come. Well, she never came and I spent $10 extra dollars, but I enjoyed the movie and got a two free posters and bookmarks. She texted back apologizing and said that she forgot about the movie and was at a church group during the time of the movie. Now before you scoff (if you were going to that is) she was telling the truth because the week after my friend and I were invited to go ice skating with the group, but decided to forego the trip for another reason, so the group does exist. So about a month later from the movie I invited her to come to the anime club on Friday February 14, 2014 (see how that tied back in lol) so she could get the poster from the Evangelion  movie.
Ironically again, a friend and classmate posted that she was apart of a group that would be selling flowers in the campus center at school for $1 a piece. I then decided to not only get her a flower, but another friend plus my grandma and mom as well. So when my friend who missed the movie came, she not only got the poster and bookmark, but unexpected received a flower as well. In return she said thank you and gave me a hug which is my preferred source of communication. That’s not all, later that night other than feeling good that I made someone smile, I made myself smile as well. I week before Valentine’s Day I bought myself a bag of chocolate turtles, but I only ate a few on that day and shared some with my family. This year I’m doing the same with the exception of buying flowers. Why I would like to I feel it would be an awkward situation for me since majority of my female friends are dating, engaged or married. Those that are single might take it the wrong way at least that’s how I feel, so it’s just me and the turtles again this year along with some intense dark chocolate. And most likely next year.


3 thoughts on “My “New” Valentine’s Day Tradition

  1. Valentine’s Day DOES become more about relationships as we get older. I’ve learned to just hide under the radar every year and avoid anything traditionally “Couply” for that day!

    I DID scoff, but you KNOW how it irritates me when people say they “forgot” as a reason for standing you up!

    1. Yeah, but there’s was more to it than just that. However, even though I know why, it’s her part of the story and I wouldn’t post it without her permission. Also, we did go see How to Train Your Dragon 2 last year, so that makes up for the first movie. I’d actually embrace some of those things depending on the weather. I’d even go to a restaurant by myself.

      1. Wow. Unless it’s fast food like McDonald’s, I would feel VERY uncomfortable at a restaurant alone. And come to think of it, that’s probably the only thing that I wouldn’t want to do alone.

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